
  • Pediatric OT

    For children, the focus is on play. Parents are coached to work through the natural ups and downs of life with their child so they can live more joyfully together.

    Pediatric OT Link 
  • Feeding Therapy

    STAR specializes in assessing and treating all of the reasons why infants and children won’t eat. They focus on helping parents teach their child to eat a wide variety of nutritious foods in order to support their best growth. 

    Feeding Therapy Link 
  • Speech & Language Therapy

    Developing communication skills is one of the most important elements to socializing and creating valuable relationships.

    Speech & Language Therapy Link 
  • Integrated Listening Therapy

    Listening therapy, like OT, is based on the theory of neuroplasticity, which refers to brain changes that can occur. During therapy, specific sound and vibration frequencies and patterns are delivered through specially designed headphones

    Integrated Listening Therapy 
  • Autism Specific Services

    Autism specific services at STAR offer a safe and respectful space to explore differences in sensory integration and processing and figure out how these are impacting quality of life.

    Autism Services Link 
  • Mental Health Counseling

    Areas of expertise: family support, relationships, neurodivergent populations, sensory processing differences, play therapy, couples therapy, parent coaching, family counseling, trauma, adult counseling, anxiety, depression, grief, anger, self-esteem, and social confidence.

    Mental Health Counseling Link 
  • Adult OT

    Research indicates that the human brain can adapt and change at any age, indicating that adults with SPD can also benefit from sensory interventions.

    Adult OT Link 
  • Out-of-Town

    STAR Institute provides an intensive treatment program to out-of-town clients that offers the same services as local clients to make their unique treatment program more accessible.

    Out-of-town Link 
  • Treatment Directory

    Service providers located worldwide are listed, including occupational therapists, physicians, physical therapists, speech language pathologists, educators, mental health professionals, eye care specialists, dentists, and community resources.

    Treatment Directory Link 
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