
Hello! My name is Eliana Wydra. 

When I was 5 years old I was diagnosed with sensory integration dysfunction. Seams on socks would bother me. I could only wear 100% cotton shirts from Michael's Craft Store. I was afraid of going up and down stairs or escalators. Even jumping into pools scared me as well as going down steep and rocky trails on hikes. Additionally, intense fragrances in perfume aisles caused me to feel nauseated.

I was fortunate to go to occupational therapy for 2 years where I strengthened my fine and gross motor dexterity, coordination, and balance. While many of these issues still effect me, I have developed skills to cope with them.

And there are thousands of people like me who struggle with their own sensory issues. With the right tools and support, we can manage our symptoms and live fulfilling lives.

What is Sense It?

Sense It started as my undergraduate senior project for industrial design. It was intended to help young adults, like me, have a tool to alleviate their anxiety and sensory overload in their way, anywhere and everywhere they go.

Now, I strive to continue that philosophy and expand on it. All of the products seen on this site are designed by me with the utmost concern and understanding for people who have sensory sensitivities because I have them too. 

Please note, I am not an OT nor OTA. I am a Human-Centered Designer and Entrepreneur. However, I do validate my designs and products with trusted occupational therapists.


Sense It LLC.’s mission is to help people of all ages, who have or know someone, who has sensory processing differences get the tools, resources, and education they need to ease their nerves wherever they go.